I love my job, and tried to share my passion!
A few weeks ago, I was contacted by a member of the parents' association of the Lycée Emile Jacqmain. She suggested that I participate, as a speaker and representative of the communication and graphic design sector, in a 'career info' morning for 5th and 6th year students.
The objectives of these mornings are to answer the students' questions, to share their professional experience, to concretise and enrich the vision they may have of a profession; but also to help them discover new opportunities or to nourish their reflection.
Having never participated in this kind of event, I was not sure what to expect. In any case, I found the idea appealing and it was therefore full of enthusiasm and under a radiant sun that I went to the idyllic setting of the Leopold Park.
After the welcome in the teachers' room and already some exciting meetings with the other guests, we each went to 'our' class. As soon as the few examples of graphic work were placed on the table, the first pupils arrived. Some of them have a clear vision of what they want to do, others not at all. Some of them know quite well what a graphic designer's work consists of, others much less.
Thinking back, when I was their age, I didn't know what I wanted to do either... architect maybe, or something to do with drawing... but it was all very vague. I was lucky enough to meet Patrick Codenys, who had studied graphic design at the ERG (Institut Supérieur Libre des Arts Plastiques - Ecole de Recherche Graphique #graphisme #communication , Ixelles), and who advised me to go and see the open doors in different schools. These open doors were a revelation: when I came out of the ERG open doors, I knew that this is where I wanted to go.
Talking to the students was an opportunity to sum up the positives and negatives (because of course there are some too) of my work as a graphic designer and everything I love about it.
So it was a morning full of beautiful, frank and enriching encounters as I like them. I hope I was able to give them a little guidance and, who knows, to have given the desire to one or the other to launch into this fascinating profession. And to my host's question 'Can we contact you again in the years to come?', I say 'yes!'
#communication #branding #sharing #passion #entrepreneurship #school #study #future
CLIENT - The youth of tomorrow
CREDITS - Michel Evrard (Photography)