A brand new corporate brochure
The wood sector is facing major challenges: in addition to managing the consequences of the health crisis, the problem of raw material supply requires particular attention. The Belgian Wood Confederation, which groups together companies in the primary wood processing industry (forestry contractors, forestry operators, sawmills and wood traders), wishes to give greater visibility to its important background work, both among its (future) members and vis-à-vis external interlocutors.
After having worked with him on one of his personal projects ('Creativity linked to the bicycle - volume 2'), Pascal Mageren called on me this time as a communication officer for the Belgian Wood Confederation to help shape their communication, by working on the creation and layout of their corporate brochure.
Based on the information content provided by Pascal and the rest of the team, I proposed several creative ways of formatting the texts and presenting the figures. A constructive dialogue allowed us to define their expectations in detail and to match the appearance of the brochure to the atmosphere and values they wanted to highlight.
In addition to the creative aspect, I took care of the more technical aspects linked to this kind of layout, such as the clean-up of the document (FR and NL) and the preparation of the files for both the electronic version (PDF with hyperlinks) and the file intended for the printing of a paper version, right up to the follow-up of the printing by a professional printing house.
Thanks to Pascal and the Belgian Wood Confederation for this fresh and pleasant collaboration and the trust placed in this project!
#communication #corporatestrategy #branding #corporatebrochure #infographics #identity #guidelines #visual
CLIENT - Confédération belge du bois - Belgische houtconfederatie