A surprise/ing dinner
We're all in the same boat!
I'm often asked if it's not too difficult to work alone in my studio, without colleagues. And it's true that at the start of my entrepreneurial adventure, it was one of the big changes compared to my experience of over twenty years in an agency, with always people around me.
This relative social isolation was shattered when I decided just over a year ago to take up a desk at Silversquare. Working in a coworking space gives you the opportunity to rub shoulders with entrepreneurs (or not) with the same winning spirit, and often facing the same difficulties as me. Inevitably, this creates some really strong bonds.
But long before that, from my very first days as an entrepreneur, I was lucky enough to start working with Freedelity. And at Freedelity, we're keen to integrate freelancers and employees alike. Right from the start, I felt that it was important for them that I should meet every member of the team and that I should be present at team buildings, parties, RetailCentrix...
And they're right, because it obviously works. Not only is it a pleasure to meet the team members every time, but above all it's easier to work together when you know each other a little and have had the opportunity to forge links. Especially for me, who is always on remote and only goes to their offices to party (or almost).
Last week, it was a 'surprise' party. The secret had been well kept and no-one knew what was in store! We found ourselves in a sort of paradise, just a few metres off the Nationale 4. On the programme: a wonderful dinner on the water in the magical setting of an old stone quarry (Les trois fontaines). It was a fabulous moment of discovery and sharing.
Thank you Caroline Hennebel and Sebastien Buysse for this magical moment!
And to the whole team: Eric de Bellefroid, Pierre-Ambroise Jones, Eliot Thielemans, Fabrice Willem, Nicolas Dusart, Mathieu Dussart, Lionel Detaille, Christian Castelain, Nicolas Mierzwa, Daniele Biancuccio, Steve Coolen and Sandrine Courouble.
And a thought for Serge Copily who couldn't be with us...
#freelance #collaboration #integration #teamspirit #incentives
KLANT - Freedelity