Bike-inspired creativity (volume 2)

Pascal (a friend, almost a family member) contacted me at the beginning of January to propose me to design the layout of his second book 'Bike-inspired creativity'. This was the first price offer I made under my new 100% freelance status! Passionate about cycling and a cyclist to the tips of my fingernails, it seemed to me to be a project of good omen!

Ten months later, I have the book in my hands, quite warm and beautiful!

A little word about Pascal, aka Le Vélosophe. Besides his editorial work, Pascal devotes a good part of his time and energy to his passion for cycling. He created and animates a blog full of articles about original bikes. For each of them, he gets in contact with the creator(s). Pascal is of course also a cyclist and takes part in various events and trade fairs where he sometimes presents bikes that he has talked about on his blog.

The book now. The first part of the book is dedicated to the trip he and his two brothers undertook to Canada... as a triplet! Yeah... In know! The second part presents more than 50 original bikes. You'll be amazed, I guarantee!

For each page, I tried to be as creative as possible, echoing the creation. You'll tell me if it's a success!

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Bike-inspired creativity (volume 2)Bike-inspired creativity (volume 2)Bike-inspired creativity (volume 2)Bike-inspired creativity (volume 2)Bike-inspired creativity (volume 2)Bike-inspired creativity (volume 2)Bike-inspired creativity (volume 2)Bike-inspired creativity (volume 2)
Bike-inspired creativity (volume 2)Bike-inspired creativity (volume 2)Bike-inspired creativity (volume 2)Bike-inspired creativity (volume 2)Bike-inspired creativity (volume 2)Bike-inspired creativity (volume 2)Bike-inspired creativity (volume 2)Bike-inspired creativity (volume 2)

ACTIVITY - Book layout, graphic design, print production
CLIENT - Vélosophe
CREDITS - Michel Evrard (photography)

Pascal Mageren
Le Vélosophe

Lorsque vous vous lancez dans un projet autour de votre passion (l'écriture d'un livre sur la créativité liée au vélo), vous cherchez à vous entourer de personnes tout aussi passionnées pour mener ce projet à bien. Le style graphique de Brigitte et ses affinités pour le sujet m'ont vite convaincu de lui confier la mise en pages du livre. Dès le départ, nous avons été sur la même longueur d'onde. Un sans-faute sur toute la ligne : créativité, sens du détail, respect des échéances... Comme on dit dans le jargon : une collaboration qui roule.