Photographic shooting for the book 'Bike-inspired creativity 2'
Exactly one month ago, my boyfriend Michel and I jumped on our bicycles to speed along the canal 'Bruxelles-Charleroi', direction south, to reach Luttre, a city situated a couple of kilometres before Charleroi. 'To speed' is probably a bit presomptuous as we were against a very strong wind. Anyway we managed to reach our destination at about 60km from Brussels.
There was of course a purpose to that bicycle trip, otherwise I would not make a blog article about it.
One of the great and exciting project I'm working on — since I jumped into the full-time Brig adventure — is the book lay-out for my friend Pascal Mageren aka 'Le Vélosophe'. He decided in late 2019 to go for a second book presenting creative, completely out-of-the-box bicycles. And he asked me to work on the lay-out and design. No need to say I was very excited about this challenge!
Pascal is animating a very active blog about bicycles of all kind. The origin of this passion definitely comes from the triplette he and his 2 younger brothers used to travel around the world when they were teenagers/young adults.
The triplette is still there and needed to be immortalize to illustrate a couple of articles that will be presented in the book. Michel, who is also a bike lover and an amateur photographer, was the right person to handle the mission.
Waiting for the 'real' pictures and the book to be printed (expected by early autumn 2020), here are a couple of 'behind the scene' pix.
Stay tune for the book, a must have for bike lovers, anyone interested in design, creation or alternative mobility.
#photography #book #layout #cycling #creativity #graphicdesign #triplette
CLIENT - Vélosophe
CREDITS - Michel Evrard (Photography)